Inspiring Our Youth
To Realise Their Potential

Wool Works - Shearing and Wool Handling Schools

Established in 2017, the Wool Works Shearing Schools have encouraged hundreds of high-school students and jobseekers to consider a career in agriculture. Over the last six years this program has become so popular with students and teachers alike, that each workshop is over subscribed.

The shearing shed becomes the classroom for these there to five day long schools for fifteen to twenty-five students each time. Developed in conjunction with local wool growers and shearers, these schools focus on a hands-on approach that creates a high level of engagement with the students. The workshop is not just an escape from school for a couple of days for the students, they are put to work, and the skills gained can be translated to employment opportunities.

Students are provided with first-class training from veterans of the wool industry who have many years of experience, including shearing, wool handling and training. They convey a great deal of knowledge and practical skills in a matter of days due to the hands-on approach.

Keeping quality young people in the bush and providing them with opportunities to learn and work where they live are top priorities for all communities across the region. Our rural employers are in great need of skilled workers, and our youth are not always aware of the rewarding, well-paying jobs and training options that are out there. Working in agriculture provides a career that is challenging and rewarding, yet is often overlooked as a career path, and in turn, the industry is hindered by ongoing skill shortages. This program works directly to encourage our youth to consider agricultural careers and address the region's shortage of shearers.

While RDA-NI coordinates Wool Works, it is due to the program supporters that the project is made possible. A further four schools are scheduled in 2023 due to the generous support of Training NSW. In the past six years, this program has been made possible due to support from:

  • Australian Government (Regional Employment Trails Fund)
  • NSW Government (Stronger Country Communities Fund)
  • Training NSW
  • Tamworth Local Aboriginal Land Council
  • Northern Tablelands Local Land Services
  • TAFE New England
  • Australian Wool Innovation (AWI)
  • Heiniger
  • Glen Innes Severn Council
  • Prime Super

Watch Our Wool Works School In Action

Are you interested in participating in a future Wool Works school?


We run four workshops a year in different locations around the Northern Inland in connection with public and private high schools throught our region. Contact our office at rdani@rdani.org.au to register your interest.

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An Australian Government Initiative