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Indigenous Boarding Providers – Expansion

ClosedGrant Closed: 6th of February 2023 Value: Based on the number of students Run By: National Indigenous Australians Agency Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=16865c32-d3eb-49fc-9339-31ebbcb6a9b5

Grants will be provided to boarding schools and stand-alone boarding providers (including hostels and other independent providers) with a high proportion of First Nations secondary students from remote and very remote Australia. A ‘high proportion’ is considered to be 40% to 100% First Nations boarding students from remote and very remote Australia, as a proportion of total boarding students. However, lower proportions may be considered, depending on demand for the grants.

This grant opportunity is open to both boarding providers who previously received an Indigenous Boarding Providers grant in 2022 and other eligible boarding providers with a high proportion of First Nations boarding students from remote and very remote areas.

There are no minimum or maximum grant amounts for individual grants as amounts will be based on estimated student numbers and need. However, the total of all grants cannot exceed the amount of available funds. The amount of funding per provider will be determined based on assessment of the applications against the criteria in Section 6 of the guidelines, the number of students being supported and the demand for the grant. The Agency will also consider value with relevant money and availability of funds to meet priorities in offering a grant amount.

As a guide, up to around $7,500 per student ($17.25 million by 2,300 students) will be available through this grant opportunity. However, this is subject to demand for the grants.

Last Updated: 9th of January 2023
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