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Serving up a taste of the Liverpool Plains

Director of the Australian Centre for Agriculture and Law at UNE, Professor Paul Martin will be one of the guest speakers at the Taste of the Liverpool Plains ‘foodie’ and sustainability event.
Director of the Australian Centre for Agriculture and Law at UNE, Professor Paul Martin will be one of the guest speakers at the Taste of the Liverpool Plains ‘foodie’ and sustainability event.

“Taste of the Liverpool Plains” is a new food and wine event in Northern Inland NSW. The upcoming second ‘Taste’ will showcase and promote local produce and feature a sustainability focus. This regionally significant event, organised by Liverpool Plains locals, will take place at the Caroona Hall on Sunday 6th March from 10am-4pm. More than the wholesome and gourmet flavours of the Liverpool Plains will be on offer.

President of the organising committee, Carol Mackerras said that the local community is enthusiastically behind the event, with up to 75 volunteers involved in its organisation. “We want to raise awareness of the Liverpool Plains – where our rich agricultural district is located, its productivity, the range and quality of the local produce and how the agricultural (food) production in the area constitutes an important and renewable industry. Our farmers are sustainable but they are also innovative and proactively looking to improve environmental and financial outcomes. There will be strong interest in the product displays and guest speakers,” she said.

Mrs Mackerras said that the first “Taste of the Liverpool Plains” took place in November 2009. A few hundred were hoped for and close to 2,000 turned up on the day. That success and the community support resulted in a follow-up. “We’re looking at staging “Taste of the Liverpool Plains” every second year,” she said.

Regional Development Australia Northern Inland (RDANI) has a mandate to nurture the growth of food and wine industries in the region. RDANI Executive Officer, Nathan Axelsson has called on the region to support its newest ‘foodie’ event.

“The Liverpool Plains is a significant food bowl, yet many in northern inland NSW would not have had a true taste of the diversity and excellence of Liverpool Plains produce,” Mr Axelsson said. “This event will cater for many interests. United approaches like this are so important and effective in achieving industry and regional growth and recognition.”

Local produce on offer will include wine, lavender, cheeses, pasta, berries, cotton products, honey, olives/olive oil, plants, cakes and innovative Farm Products. Tastes of the Liverpool Plains will be served up through a gourmet lunch, morning & afternoon teas.

A top line-up of guest speakers will be giving presentations, in line with the event’s renewable energy and sustainability focus. Speakers include: Jack Mundey (‘living legend’ and environmental activist); Associate Professor Julian Cribb (Author of “The Coming Famine”, looking at global food security issues); Professor Paul Martin (Director of the Australian Centre for Agriculture and Law at UNE, How legislation can protect agricultural land); Meredith Kirton (Grow, Harvest, Cook); Tim Wright (previous Farmer of the Year winner, on Carbon sequestration and sustainable energies); Adam Blakester (Social Change Strategist, Community planning entrepreneur); Matthew Wright (Young Environmentalist of the Year 2010 and Executive Director of Beyond Zero Emissions, showing how Australia can reach 100% renewable energy within a decade using technology that is commercially available right now; and Deborah Tabart OAM (Executive Director Australian Koala Foundation).

Entertainment will be provided by singer, Luke Stoker. Formerly of Tamworth, Mr. Stoker is now with Queensland Opera. There will also be cooking demonstrations, gardening tips, children’s activities, a fashion show, photography, sculpture, jewellery and renewable energy products.

RDANI Project Officer, Kim-Trieste Hastings said that many regional benefits stem from the pro-active marketing currently being undertaken by local food and wine producers. “Promoting the region’s food and wine strengths not only supports individual producers, it builds on the region’s recognisable ‘identity’,” she said. “Additionally, the ‘Taste of the Liverpool Plains’ will provide an important forum for updating agricultural business operators on the latest sustainability approaches and technology – right in the heart of their agricultural district.”

RDANI has long been supporting food and wine industry development on a regional level. The 2nd edition “Food & Wine – Northern Inland NSW” booklet published by RDANI has been widely circulated throughout the region. As a food and wine road-map of Northern Inland NSW, it is a valued marketing tool available to producers and the hospitality sector. Over 15,000 copies of the full colour, 36 page booklet were published with the assistance of Industry and Investment NSW, the New England – North West Regional Tourism Organisation, and over 60 listed food, wine and hospitality businesses.

Entry to “Taste of the Liverpool Plains” will only cost a gold coin and parking will be available at the Caroona Church.

For further details on “Taste of the Liverpool Plains” contact:
PRUE LEE P: 6747 4674 M: 0429 990 388 E: abbottlee@bigpond.com
SUE WILMOTT P: 6747 4057 E: suewilmott@bigpond.com

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