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Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) First Nations – Delivery Grant Grant Closes: 23rd of August 2024 - 5:00 pm Value: $350,000 to $3 Million Run By: Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=2b5302ab-3fc3-4f4b-9d7c-47c00f209281

In line with governments’ commitment to the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, the Australian Government will create partnerships with First Nations people, communities and organisations to create new opportunities and achieve better outcomes at a local level.

Delivery Grants are being offered to eligible organisations for English LLND skills training to First Nations people across Australia. The training is to be co-designed with the community/communities in which it will be delivered.

Delivery Grants will typically be for between $350,000 and $1,000,000 (excluding GST) per year over a 2 to 3 year period, for a single site, or up to $3,000,000 (excluding GST) per year for delivery at multiple sites.

To be eligible to apply for a Delivery Grant, your organisation must be either a:

  • ACCO
  • First Nations RTO
  • First Nations ACE provider (which may or may not be RTOs)
  • First Nations Community Organisation peak bodies (applying on behalf of their eligible members)
  • and have the legal capacity to enter into a grant with the Commonwealth
  • be affiliated with the community/communities on whose behalf they apply, or partnering with an organisation that is. In the case of a peak body this refers to the community affiliation of the member organisation you are applying on behalf of. Community affiliation can be demonstrated by providing evidence such as:
    • annual reports showing us that you have local community involvement at a board/employment level etc.
    • statements of support from community leaders.
Last Updated: 2nd of July 2024
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Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) First Nations – Scoping Grant Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: $15,000 to $30,000 Run By: Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=e20cab35-d0bd-4aeb-acfd-2ae344268a40

In line with governments’ commitment to the National Agreement on Closing the Gap, the Australian Government will create partnerships with First Nations people, communities and organisations to create new opportunities and achieve better outcomes at a local level.

Scoping grants are small grants of up to $30,000 (excluding GST) to help eligible organisations to develop a Delivery Grant application.

To be eligible to apply for a Delivery Grant, your organisation must be either a:

  • ACCO
  • First Nations RTO
  • First Nations ACE provider (which may or may not be RTOs)
  • First Nations Community Organisation peak bodies (applying on behalf of their eligible members)
  • and have the legal capacity to enter into a grant with the Commonwealth
  • be affiliated with the community/communities on whose behalf they apply, or partnering with an organisation that is. In the case of a peak body this refers to the community affiliation of the member organisation you are applying on behalf of. Community affiliation can be demonstrated by providing evidence such as:
    • annual reports showing us that you have local community involvement at a board/employment level etc.
    • statements of support from community leaders
Last Updated: 2nd of July 2024
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Resolution payments under the Youpla Support Program Grant Closes: 30th of June 2026 - 11:30 pm Run By: National Indigenous Australians Agency Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=cfa0fd66-a5d0-4272-95c4-7a37f05e6425

This grant opportunity is part of the Youpla Support Program, which was announced by the Australian Government on 8 February 2024 as its enduring resolution for people impacted by the collapse of the funeral insurance provider, the Youpla Group.

The Youpla Group (formerly the Aboriginal Community Benefits Fund) was a funeral expenses insurer that primarily marketed its products to First Nations people. The Youpla Group entered liquidation in March 2022, leaving many people without cover, inflicting significant cultural, emotional and financial harm on many First Nations people and communities.

The Youpla Support Program will provide a Resolution Payment to Eligible Persons to help them recover from this harm. 

The Australian Government has determined that, to be eligible for the Resolution Payment, a person must have either:

  • held a Youpla Group policy that was active on or after 1 August 2015, or
  • been awarded a determination by the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) in their favour against the Youpla Group, and this determination remains unpaid.
Last Updated: 2nd of July 2024
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Transport Heritage Grants Program - 2024 Grant Closes: 31st of July 2024 - 5:00 pm Value: Up to $55,000 Run By: Transport for NSW Further Information: https://www.rahs.org.au/transport-heritage-grants-program/

The Program aims to help the NSW community rediscover the culture, the events and the people that shaped transport in NSW over the past 170 years, as well as support the restoration and conservation of, and access to our valuable heritage assets (including buildings, rolling stock, vehicles, museum objects and collections).

Depending on the type of project, the following are eligible to apply for grants:

  • Organisations: NSW or ACT1 based bodies corporate that are not-for-profit or charitable institutions with transport heritage and/or NSW heritage or history as their primary objective and purpose.
  • Individuals: Members of Transport Heritage NSW. Individuals may apply in the following categories but only in partnership with an eligible organisation:
    • Restoration, reconstruction or preservation
    • Exhibition, interpretation, education or publication
    • Audience development, accessibility and inclusion.

1 ACT organisations may only apply for heavy rail projects relating to the history and heritage of NSW
Government Railway

Last Updated: 1st of July 2024
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Veterans' Acute Housing Program - Capital Works and Specialist Services Grants Grant Closes: 13th of September 2024 - 9:00 pm Value: Up to $24 Million Run By: Department of Veterans Affairs Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=1d7781b7-314d-4935-9c1a-82d0dd33543c

The Veterans’ Acute Housing Program (the Program) will provide funding to eligible organisations to improve housing outcomes for veterans and their families who are experiencing, or are at risk of, homelessness.

The Program will provide up to $30 million in grant funding under 2 related streams:

  • $24 million in capital works funding to expand the availability of crisis and transitional housing under the Veterans’ Acute Housing Program – Capital Works Grant (Capital Works Grant); and
  • $6 million to fund organisations to deliver specialist support services that address the risk factors for homelessness under the Veterans’ Acute Housing Program – Specialist Services Grant (Specialist Services Grant).

Funding for each stream will be awarded via separate open competitive grant application processes. Eligible organisations may apply for one or both streams, noting that they will need to apply separately for each stream.

Capital Works Grant

  • Total Amount Available: $24 million (GST exclusive).
  • Estimated Grant Value: $1 million to $24 million (GST exclusive).

Specialist Services Grant

  • Total Amount Available: $6 million (GST exclusive).
  • Estimated Grant Value: $600,000 to $6 million (GST exclusive).

Eligible organisations include:

  • Veteran-aware registered Community Housing Providers (CHPs); and
  • Ex-Service Organisations (ESOs).

Group (consortium) applications with other organisations where the application is led by a CHP or ESO are also eligible.

DVA encourages partnerships between ESOs, veteran-aware Community Housing Providers, specialist service providers, and other organisations to leverage available expertise, increase innovation and maximise access to additional resources to better support veterans and their families.

Last Updated: 1st of July 2024
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Forced Marriage Specialist Support Program (FMSSP) Grant Closes: 5th of August 2024 - 9:00 pm Run By: Australian Government Department of Social Services Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=eebc65a5-5661-41ba-83f5-56d5b5d5d700

The Australian Government is inviting organisations via an open competitive process to apply to deliver services nationally under the Program 2.1 – Families and Communities – Support for Trafficked People – Forced Marriage Specialist Support Program from 2024–25 to 2027–28.

The objectives of the FMSSP grant opportunity are to: 

  • Deliver a coordinated national response to support the victims and survivors of forced marriage, working with all communities that experience forced marriage, including CALD communities.
  • Assist those at risk of, or who have experienced forced marriage by providing access to support that is needs-based, and provided for as long as is needed for their recovery and healing due to the negative impacts of being at risk of, or in a forced marriage.
  • Provide those at risk of, or who have experienced, forced marriage a safe, confidential, person-centered, culturally sensitive, trauma-informed entry point to the FMSSP.
  • Establish processes to screen eligible victims and survivors for legal, physical, psychological, family and community indicators of forced marriage, outlined in Australian legislation, standards, research and good practice, and drawing on the lived experience of victims and survivors.
  • Provide specific prevention and early intervention support to those at risk of forced marriage, including establishing and maintaining linkages with other services for referral and establishing processes under the FMSSP for escalating higher risk cases for appropriate support and referral to ensure client safety.
  • Educate the community in a culturally safe way about the importance of both parties willingly consenting to marriage and raise awareness and understanding about forced marriage and coercive control and their rights under Australian law.

To be eligible you must be one of the following entity types:

  • Company 
  • Cooperative 
  • Incorporated Association 
  • Indigenous Corporation

If you are applying as a trustee on behalf of a trust , the trustee must be one of the eligible entity types listed above.

Last Updated: 1st of July 2024
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Experimental evaluation open grant round Grant Closes: 23rd of July 2024 Value: Up to $300,000 Run By: Paul Ramsay Foundation Further Information: https://www.paulramsayfoundation.org.au/news-resources/experimental-evaluation-open-grant-round

Expressions of interest are now open for seven available grants, up to a maximum of $300,000 each, to fund evaluations of social impact programs that align with Paul Ramsay Foundation's (PRF) purpose of a future where people and places have what they need to thrive. PRF is receiving support from the Australian Centre for Evaluation at various stages of the grant round.

The grants are open to registered charities and non-profit organisations who are implementing, or intend to implement, programs that improve outcomes aligned to PRF’s outcomes which are:

  • Children and young people have positive life paths free from entrenched poverty and harm.
  • Places and communities are connected and imagining and leading their own futures.
  • Conditions support thriving.
  • First Nations people and communities are self-determining.
Last Updated: 1st of July 2024
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Community Support Program - 2024 Grant Opened: 1st of July 2024 Closes: 31st of July 2024 Run By: Regional Australia Bank Further Information: https://www.regionalaustraliabank.com.au/community/community-involvement

The Regional Australia Bank prides itself on operating at the heart of their community, providing essential support to community groups each year as part of their Community Support Program. Any community group is able to apply for support in the form of sponsorship, with applications opening on 1 July and closing 31 July each year ("Application Period")

The primary objective of community support is to benefit communities whilst keeping Regional Australia Bank engaged with them, facilitating a closer relationship that allows Regional Australia Bank to play a key role as champions for regional prosperity.

Sponsorships are assessed in accordance with the Community Support Policy and should fall into one of the following categories:

  • Arts;
  • Community activities (e.g. festivals & fairs);
  • Education or employment related activities;
  • Environmental;
  • Health;
  • Indigenous/cultural; or
  • Sporting.

To be considered for Regional Australia Bank’s Community Support Program, your event or project should:

  • Provide benefits for the local community;
  • Be of interest to Regional Australia Bank members;
  • Be local to the Regional Australia Bank’s areas of business;
  • Be for groups which share the values of Integrity, Respect, and Fairness or exhibit similar behaviours of being flexible, supportive, approachable and friendly;
  • Provide a means to reach Regional Australia Bank’s target audience;
  • Provide the Regional Australia Bank with media, promotional and signage opportunities;
  • Guarantee that no Regional Australia Bank competitor will be principal supporters of the activity (this includes all financial service providers);
  • Be hosted by a committee or organisation willing to consider bringing their banking to Regional Australia Bank. Priority will be given to those organisations that have done so;
  • For larger sponsorships, allow Regional Australia Bank to develop and implement an effective marketing communications program tailored specifically to the event or project; and
  • For larger sponsorships, allow Regional Australia Bank to share the successes at the conclusion of the event or project.

A Community Support Application Form can be found on the Regional Australia Bank website or you can pick one up from your local branch. The form is used to obtain the information required to assess the application. Although  applications are accepted throughout the year, community groups are encouraged to submit applications in Application Period.

Last Updated: 19th of June 2024
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Community Foundation Grants Program - 2024 - Round 2 Grant Opened: 1st of July 2024 Closes: 31st of July 2024 Value: Up to $20,000 Run By: GrainCorp Community Foundation (GCF) Further Information: https://www.graincorp.com.au/community-fund/

The grants program provides financial support to organisations and projects that contribute to the development and promotion of the communities in which we live and work.

There are two types of activities that GrainCorp’s Grants program funds:

  1. Community-related programs & activities (Maximum funding limit: $5,000)
  2. Community infrastructure projects (Maximum funding limit: $20,000)

To be eligible for a grant, the organisation or project must:

  • Be based within a GrainCorp operational region or region linked to grain growing activities;
  • Be intended to have a positive effect on local communities in rural and regional areas;
  • Demonstrate a direct connection with community development; and
  • Align with at least one of GrainCorp’s Community Foundation Pillars.

GrainCorp opens two rounds every year for grant funding applications:

  • 1 – 29 February
  • 1 – 31 July
Last Updated: 19th of June 2024
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Future Animal Carer’s Grant Grant Closes: 31st of October 2024 Value: Up to $5,000 Run By: RSPCA Pet Insurance Further Information: https://www.rspcapetinsurance.org.au/grants/animal-carers-grants

RSPCA understands that qualified Veterinarians and Veterinary Nurses are essential in assisting with the protection and maintenance of pet’s health. For that reason, they aim to provide support to people who are interested in getting into roles which are related to Veterinary Medicine, Animal Care and Animal Sciences.

The value of this Grant is AUD $5,000 (total amount). This amount is paid as a one-off payment to the Winner.

  1. To be eligible, you must be enrolled full-time in an accredited Australian Tertiary Education Institution and be studying for a certificate, diploma, degree or traineeship in any of the following areas:
    • Veterinary Medicine;
    • Veterinary Science;
    • Veterinary & Life Sciences;
    • Animal Care;
    • Veterinary Nursing;
    • Animal Studies;
    • Animal Sciences;
    • Animal Nutrition;
    • Veterinary Technology; or
    • Any other courses leading to similar careers as an animal carer or pet health specialist
  2. Only citizens or permanent residents of Australia can apply; and
  3. You must be 18 years of age or over to apply.
  4. Employees and immediate family members including the spouse, de-facto spouse, parent, guardian, child or sibling ("Immediate Family Members") of an RSPCA Pet Insurance employee are ineligible to enter. Employees, and immediate Family members of GFS are also ineligible to enter.
  5. Entrants must abide by the Terms and Conditions for an entry to be deemed eligible.
Last Updated: 19th of June 2024
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Aged Care Capital Assistance Program Residential–based Aged Care Services Grant Closes: 29th of August 2024 - 2:00 pm Value: Up to $200 Million Run By: Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=18d42fc9-2c08-48bf-808e-d210ad61eb68

The Aged Care Capital Assistance Program provides aged care infrastructure grants aimed at maintaining or increasing access to quality aged care services in thin market settings for people:

  • from First Nations communities
  • living in regional, rural, and remote areas
  • who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless
  • with other complex and diverse needs, including dementia.
  • improve viability and sustainability of service offerings.

For this grant opportunity up to $200 million is available to support activities that will:

  • deliver more mainstream residential care beds i.e., new residential care services and/or expansion of existing residential care services (excluding Multi-purpose Services (MPS) and National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program (NATSIFACP) services)
  • upgrade, or refurbish existing residential-based aged care services (including mainstream, MPS and NATSIFACP services)  

in the following locations:

  • regional centres to very remote communities: Modified Monash Model - MM2 to 7
  • metropolitan areas (MM1) for projects specifically targeting care to First Nations people.
Last Updated: 19th of June 2024
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Defence Industry Development Grants Program - Exports Stream Grant Opened: 18th of June 2024 Closes: Ongoing Value: $15,000 to $250,000 Run By: Australian Government Department of Defence Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=7c64c035-24ea-4ba1-aeea-0a0d031e8648

The objective of the program is to build the industrial base Australia needs to achieve Defence outcomes in areas of strategic priority.

The Defence Industry Development Grants Program funds four distinct grant opportunity streams tailored to address the program outcomes:

  1. Sovereign Industrial Priorities
  2. Skilling
  3. Exports
  4. Security.

The Exports stream provides support for small to medium enterprises (SMEs) to overcome export barriers and help defence industry build scale and competitiveness in defence capability priority areas as identified by the Sovereign Defence Industrial Priorities described in the Defence Industry Development Strategy.

You can apply if you:

  • have an Australian business number (ABN)
  • are a SME with less than 200 employees
  • are registered for GST
  • have an account with an Australian financial institution
  • are non-income tax exempt

and are one of the following entities:

  • an entity incorporated in Australia
  • a company limited by guarantee
  • an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust.
Last Updated: 19th of June 2024
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Defence Industry Development Grants Program - Sovereign Industrial Priorities Stream Grant Opened: 18th of June 2024 Closes: Ongoing Value: $50,000 to $1 Million Run By: Australian Government Department of Defence Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=8d4783b2-652e-47ad-8402-0328526e5233

The objective of the program is to build the industrial base Australia needs to achieve Defence outcomes in areas of strategic priority.

The Defence Industry Development Grants Program funds four distinct grant opportunity streams tailored to address the program outcomes:

  1. Sovereign Industrial Priorities
  2. Skilling
  3. Exports
  4. Security.

The Sovereign Industrial Priorities stream will assist eligible small to medium enterprises (SMEs) to purchase manufacturing plant and equipment which is used directly to develop and/or deliver programs that are in line with the Sovereign Defence Industrial Priorities described in the Defence Industry Development Strategy.

You can apply if you:

  • have an Australian business number (ABN)
  • are a SME with less than 200 employees
  • are registered for GST
  • have an account with an Australian financial institution
  • are non-income tax exempt

and are one of the following entities:

  • an entity incorporated in Australia
  • a company limited by guarantee
  • an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust.
Last Updated: 19th of June 2024
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Defence Industry Development Grants Program - Skilling Stream Grant Opened: 18th of June 2024 Closes: Ongoing Value: $5,000 to $250,000 Run By: Australian Government Department of Defence Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=8df34409-4146-47e4-b8a8-dc0c28f5dd81

The objective of the program is to build the industrial base Australia needs to achieve Defence outcomes in areas of strategic priority.

The Defence Industry Development Grants Program funds four distinct grant opportunity streams tailored to address the program outcomes:

  1. Sovereign Industrial Priorities
  2. Skilling
  3. Exports
  4. Security.

The Skilling stream helps Australian defence industry to upskill and train in priority trade, technical and professional skillsets to develop a workforce with the right mix of qualified and experienced personnel to meet Defence requirements. The program will enhance the capacity and capability of Australian defence industry workforce to deliver Sovereign Defence Industrial Priorities described in the Defence Industry Development Strategy.

You can apply if you:

  • have an Australian business number (ABN)
  • are a SME with less than 200 employees or a Defence Industry Association (DIA)
  • are registered for GST
  • have an account with an Australian financial institution
  • are non-income tax exempt

and are one of the following entities:

  • an entity incorporated in Australia
  • a company limited by guarantee
  • an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust.
Last Updated: 19th of June 2024
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Defence Industry Development Grants Program - Security Stream Grant Opened: 18th of June 2024 Closes: Ongoing Value: $10,000 to $100,000 Run By: Australian Government Department of Defence Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=de378221-d93f-434e-ad9c-f23f54d50e14

The objective of the program is to build the industrial base Australia needs to achieve Defence outcomes in areas of strategic priority.

The Defence Industry Development Grants Program funds four distinct grant opportunity streams tailored to address the program outcomes:

  1. Sovereign Industrial Priorities
  2. Skilling
  3. Exports
  4. Security.

The Security stream helps Australian defence industry improve and maintain security in priority areas as identified by the Sovereign Defence Industrial Priorities and in line with the Defence Industry Security Program.

You can apply if you:

  • have an Australian business number (ABN)
  • are a SME with less than 200 employees
  • are registered for GST
  • have an account with an Australian financial institution
  • are non-income tax exempt

and are one of the following entities:

  • an entity incorporated in Australia
  • a company limited by guarantee
  • an incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust.
Last Updated: 19th of June 2024
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