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Regional Filming Fund - 2024-25 Grant Closes: 30th of June 2025 - 11:00 pm Value: Up to $175,000 Run By: Screen NSW Further Information: https://www.screen.nsw.gov.au/funding-support/regional-filming-fund

The Regional Filming Fund offsets costs associated with shooting in regional areas of NSW. Regional NSW is defined as all areas in NSW outside the Sydney Metro area.

The objectives of the program are to:

  • Increase economic activity in regional NSW, by encouraging NSW screen productions to film outside of metropolitan areas
  • Enable regional NSW to benefit from the growth of film and television production in the State

Applicants must fulfil the following eligibility criteria:

The production must film on location in Regional NSW for a minimum of five shooting days
in a single Local Government Area (LGA)
Please find the LGA map here.

  • At least one of the Key Creatives must be NSW-based
  • The production company must be registered in NSW and have its principal place of business in NSW unless the production has an eligible NSW Spend of at least $5 million
  • The production must film on location in Regional NSW for a minimum of five shooting days
  • At least 50% of the total budget must be expended in NSW
  • Productions must be fully financed at the time of application, with the exception of contributions being sought from Screen NSW and other state, federal or international agencies (Note: they will only consider an application where those agencies have confirmed their contribution or if the application has been submitted to a funding round running concurrently with the Screen NSW round.)
  • Productions that have been shortlisted for Screen Australia’s Documentary Production
  • Producer Program or Multi-Platform Drama Fund may apply
  • Feature films must have distribution in place
  • Television drama, narrative comedy and factual/documentary programs must have a financial commitment from a broadcaster, subscription service or distributor.
Last Updated: 22nd of July 2024
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ANZ Seeds of Renewal - 2024 Grant Closes: 1st of August 2024 - 5:00 pm Value: Up to $15,000 Run By: Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal Further Information: https://frrr.org.au/funding/place/anz-seeds-of-renewal/

ANZ Seeds of Renewal is a small grants program designed to help build vibrant and sustainable rural communities, to ensure the ongoing prosperity of regional Australia.

The program demonstrates ANZ’s ongoing commitment to shape a world where people and communities thrive. It is built on two key tenets:

  • Vibrant communities are diverse and inclusive with strong social capital, where everyone can participate and build a better life; and
  • Sustainable communities innovate, expand, and create opportunities that will deliver demonstrable medium to long-term economic benefit to the community, contributing to economic sustainability.

 Who can apply?

Applications are invited from not-for-profit, community based organisations (with an ABN or Incorporation Certificate), including social enterprises, who will deliver projects with a demonstrable medium to long term benefit to a regional community of 15,000 people or less.

Last Updated: 22nd of July 2024
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Resilient Rivers Water Infrastructure Program Grant Closes: 28th of March 2025 (subject to available funding) Run By: Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Further Information: https://www.dcceew.gov.au/water/policy/programs/open/rrwip

The Resilient Rivers Water Infrastructure Program (the RRWIP)  builds on and replaces the Off-farm Efficiency Program and is part of the Australian Government’s commitment to recover water for the environment. It aims to provide a more flexible approach for investment than in previous efficiency measures programs for achieving the 450 GL water recovery target.

The RRWIP invests in a range of projects and arrangements to improve and modernise water delivery infrastructure to reduce water loss in the Murray–Darling Basin. 

Improving water use and water management efficiency will provide long term benefits to irrigators by improving infrastructure and help Basin communities adapt to climate change, manage the impact of greater variation in water availability and reliability and support the ongoing viability of production into the future.

On 7 June 2024, the Minister for Environment and Water approved an extension of time for elements of the program. The below information includes the revised timeframes. 

For RRWIP Streams A-C that have full and complete project proposals:

  • applications will be assessed when received.
  • no further applications will be accepted after 28 March 2025 (subject to available funding).

For Stream D applications to fund feasibility studies, project preliminaries or proposal developments:

  • applications will be assessed when received.
  • no further applications will be accepted after 30 August 2024.
  • successful applications must be finalised by 28 March 2025.
Last Updated: 22nd of July 2024
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Flourish: First Nations Fashion and Textiles Fund Grant Closes: 6th of August 2024 - 3:00 pm Value: $10,000 to $50,000 Run By: Creative Australia Further Information: https://creative.gov.au/investment-and-development/first-nations-arts-and-culture/flourish-first-nations-textile-design-fashion/

The Flourish: First Nations Fashion and Textiles Fund provides grants from $10,000 to $50,000 to build sustainable businesses and support economic, cultural, and social development opportunities. The opportunity is open to First Nations individuals, groups and organisations (including Art Centres) working in the textile design and fashion sector.

Grants can be used to support innovation, production, capacity building, marketing, professional development, seed funding and/or increasing digital visibility.

Last Updated: 22nd of July 2024
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Sisters of Charity Foundation Community Grants Program - 2024 - July Round Grant Opened: 8th of July 2024 Closes: 31st of July 2024 Value: Up to $15,000 Run By: Sisters of Charity Foundation Further Information: https://sistersofcharityfoundation.com.au/applying-for-grants/

The Sisters of Charity Foundation provides charity grants of up to $15,000 to organisations that use clever ways to fight poverty, loneliness, suffering and oppression, but struggle to find funding.

The Sisters of Charity Foundation favours programs that:

  • restore hope and build dignity
  • fall between the cracks of other funding sources
  • are not associated with well established organisations with significant reserves and or are not capable of raising their own funds
  • are not eligible for funding from government or other sources.

IMPORTANT: from 2025 onwards, the Sisters of Charity Foundation will hold one grant round each year. This annual grant round will open mid-year.

Last Updated: 16th of July 2024
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Maker Projects - Community STEM Engagement Grants 2024 Grant Closes: 14th of August 2024 - 5:00 pm Value: $20,000 to $100,000 Run By: Australian Government Department of Industry, Science and Resources Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=c6108176-9b9a-4576-9aa6-a7ca51d6ec6b

The Maker Projects - Community STEM Engagement grants 2024 provides grants for fostering inquiry-based learning and the development of STEM skills in students and youth under 18 years of age in design, engineering and programming, through hands-on learning.

The objectives of the grant opportunity are to:

  • deliver maker projects where students and youth under 18 years of age, at the time of application, can develop and apply their STEM knowledge through experimentation, tinkering and hands-on learning by engaging with a range of technologies
  • encourage practical skills, creativity and entrepreneurial thinking through the delivery of hands on STEM-related events and activities
  • inspire students to pursue STEM disciplines in their study and work
  • ensure that maker projects are accessible to as many young people as possible, including those in regional, rural and disadvantaged areas
  • make a positive and ongoing impact on youth under 18 years of age, particularly diverse cohorts and communities historically underrepresented in STEM including:
    • First Nations peoples
    • culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) people
    • women and girls
    • people living in regional and remote areas
    • people with disability
    • people from low socio-economic backgrounds
    • neurodivergent people
    • LGBTQIA+ people
    • people who face age-based discrimination.

The intended outcomes of the grant opportunity are:

  • students and youth under 18 years of age will gain practical knowledge and skills in scientific experimentation, design, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship
  • an increase in the accessibility of STEM-related events and activities and increased participation of youth under 18 years of age, particularly diverse cohorts and communities historically underrepresented in STEM as defined in the glossary
  • positive and ongoing development of STEM skills for participating youth through inquiry-based learning.
Last Updated: 16th of July 2024
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Stronger Together Festivals and Events - 2024-25 - Round 1 Grant Closes: 28th of July 2024 - 5:00 pm Value: $5,000 to $20,000 Run By: Multicultural NSW Further Information: https://multicultural.nsw.gov.au/stronger-together-events-festivals/

The Multicultural NSW Stronger Together Grants Program aims to support multicultural festivals and events across NSW. Investing in community events and activities that foster community harmony and celebrate cultural diversity as a precious part of our identity and way of life.

The Stronger Together Festival and Event Grants Program will support multicultural and multifaith community groups to produce Festivals and Events that celebrate and embrace our state’s vibrant cultural diversity.


Last Updated: 16th of July 2024
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At Home Care Grants - 2024 - Round 2 Grant Closes: 15th of August 2024 Value: Up to $10,000 Run By: Youngcare Further Information: https://youngcare.com.au/what-we-do/grants/at-home-care-grants/

Youngcare’s At Home Care Grants (AHCG) provide funding for equipment, home modifications and essential support that is unable to be funded through other means (eg. NDIS). This funding is to both enhance the quality of life for young people with high physical care needs and assist them to remain living in their own home with loved ones.

The grants provide one-off funding of up to $10,000 to help those aged 16-65 with high physical care needs who are living at home, and are at risk of entering inappropriate housing.

Grants are offered nationwide.

Last Updated: 16th of July 2024
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SilverChef Community Grants Program - 2024/2025 - Round 1 Grant Closes: 30th of September 2024 Value: Up to $5,000 Run By: SilverChef Further Information: https://www.silverchef.com.au/pages/community-grants

Each quarter, SilverChef provides four grants, each worth $5,000, to community groups that use foodservice and hospitality to uplift the community. The grants comprise $3,750 credit to be spent on SilverChef’s Certified Used equipment range; with a balance of up to $1,250 that can be paid in cash, or allocated towards more equipment and/or freight costs.

The SilverChef Community Grants Program is open to eligible Australian community groups that use hospitality or food services to help disadvantaged or under-served members of their local community. 

These community groups can include:

  • Registered charities and not-for-profits
  • Social enterprises (direct-benefit, cross-subsidy or donation model)
  • Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Corporations (organisation with an ABN which uses more than 50% of its time and/or resources to improve the lives of Indigenous peoples)
Last Updated: 16th of July 2024
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Country Passenger Transport Infrastructure Grants Scheme - 2024 Grant Closes: 31st of August 2024 Value: Up to $20,000 Run By: Transport for NSW Further Information: https://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/operations/community-transport-operators/country-passenger-transport-infrastructure-grants-scheme

CPTIGS provides subsidies to support the construction or upgrade of bus stop infrastructure (generally owned and maintained by local councils) across country NSW. The Scheme aims to maximise benefits to country passengers through supporting:

  • more accessible passenger transport, focusing on better connections between bus stops and surrounding communities;
  • an increase in the use of passenger transport in country areas through improved awareness of bus stop locations, kerbside information and improved security (e.g. tactile ground indicators and lighting); and
  • the development of minor infrastructure  to complement passenger service development.

Funding is allocated regionally to facilitate an equitable distribution of the grant support and projects.

All Northern Inland LGAs are eligible for this program.

The Scheme provides subsidies for improvements at:

  • regular bus stops;
  • NSW TrainLink coach stops;
  • bus stops adjacent to the entry/exit points of schools; and
  • bus stops that support other modes of transport, including flexible transport options.

Subsidies can be used for the provision and/or upgrading of bus stop infrastructure components as follows:

  • new shelter and associate works; or
  • upgrades –
    • boarding areas – especially levelling;
      • basic boarding point;
      • minor boarding point upgrade;
    • connecting footpath;
    • security/lighting;
    • signage;
    • standard bus stop hard stand;
    • street furniture;
    • tactile ground surface indicators (TGSIs).
Last Updated: 16th of July 2024
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Tax Help Program Program Ongoing: Closes: From July to October each year Run By: Australian Taxation Office Further Information: https://www.ato.gov.au/individuals-and-families/your-tax-return/help-and-support-to-lodge-your-tax-return/tax-help-program

From July to October each year, ATO accredited volunteers help people lodge their tax returns online. This Tax Help program is free and helps eligible people earning $60,000 or less lodge their tax return online.

These volunteers can also help you to:

  • create a myGov account
  • lodge an amendment to your tax return
  • claim a refund of franking credits
  • tell the ATO if you don't need to lodge a tax return.

You can speak to a Tax Help volunteer:

  • online
  • by phone
  • in person at Tax Help centres across Australia.

You are eligible for Tax Help if your income is around $60,000 or less, have simple tax affairs for the income year and you didn't:

  • work as a contractor – for example, a contract cleaner, taxi or uber driver
  • run a business, including as a sole trader
  • have partnership or trust matters
  • sell shares or an investment property
  • own a rental property
  • have capital gains tax (CGT)
  • receive royalties
  • receive distributions from a trust, other than a managed fund
  • receive foreign income, that is not a foreign pension or annuity.
Last Updated: 16th of July 2024
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Get Online Week Event Grant Grant Closes: 9th of August 2024 Value: Up to $1,000 Run By: Good Things Foundation Further Information: https://goodthingsaustralia.org/mentor-resource/get-online-week-event-grant/

Get Online Week is an annual digital inclusion campaign organised by Good Things Australia. Last year, over 1000 community events were hosted by organisations around Australia, helping people with limited digital skills learn something new online.

This year Get Online Week will be held 14 – 20 October 2024.

Get Online Week grants support community organisations to host fun digital skills events during the campaign, promote their digital inclusion program and reach new people. Grant funding can be spent on marketing, learning resources, catering, venue hire, staff and volunteer expenses and event costs.

Last Updated: 16th of July 2024
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MVP Ventures 2024-2025 Grant Closes: 28th of February 2025 - 5:00 pm Value: $25,000 to $50,000 Run By: Investment NSW Further Information: https://www.nsw.gov.au/grants-and-funding/mvp-ventures-2024-2025

The MVP Ventures Program supports startups and innovative SMEs in the product lifecycle between early-stage research and mature investment opportunities, through grants to drive the commercialisation of highly innovative and new products.

The objective of the Program is to:

  • support businesses throughout the pre-market development and commercialisation pathway of their innovative products in NSW
  • attract and retain commercialisation activities in NSW

The Program targets new products within Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 3 – 9 to help them move along the TRL scale and enable them to attract large-scale private investment. 

To be eligible, your business must:

  • have an active Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • be non-tax exempt
  • be Headquartered in NSW
  • have an account with an Australian financial institution
  • be a company incorporated in Australia
  • hold intellectual property (IP) or rights to commercialise
  • have an Aggregated Turnover that is no more than A$1 million for each of the three financial years prior to the lodgement of your application, and
  • have no more than a total of 20 FTE (including Founders).

To be eligible, your project must:

  • be related to the pre-market development and commercialisation pathway of your product
  • involve progressing your product or process along the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) scale between 3 and 9
  • be aligned to and marketed within one of the following NSW Government Industry Development Framework priority industries
  • have secured a minimum 50% cash contribution (no in-kind) for the project
  • be completed within 12 months of funding, minimum project period is 3 months
  • undertake funded activities in NSW
  • demonstrate why sufficient funding for the entire project cannot be accessed from alternative sources and that the project would not proceed in NSW without government support
  • include only eligible expenditure.
Last Updated: 16th of July 2024
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Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Grant - 2024-25 Grant Closes: 30th of June 2025 - 12:00 am Value: $10,000 to $40,000 Run By: NSW Government Department of Education Further Information: https://education.nsw.gov.au/skills-nsw/aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-peoples/elsa-dixon-aboriginal-employment-grant

The Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Grant (EDAEG) adopts a number of strategies to develop and support Aboriginal people through the creation of training and employment opportunities. Promoting diversity, innovation and service responsiveness in the NSW workforce, the Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Grant subsidises the salary, development and support costs of Aboriginal employees in public service agencies and local government authorities.

Grant elements

  • School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships – $10,000 one off payment to support school-based apprenticeships and traineeships.
  • Post School Element – up to $30,000 (Part-time or Full-time Employment Status) to support the continuation of employment for a learner who successfully completed a High School Certificate (HSC, Year 12) requirements from the year 2022 to the present day.
  • Aboriginal Adult Apprenticeships and Traineeships (AAAT) – up to $40,000 to support the creation of employment of an apprenticeship or traineeship. Learners must be a minimum 21 years of age to be eligible.
  • Permanent Ongoing Employment – up to $40,000 to support the creation of permanent employment.
Last Updated: 16th of July 2024
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Make the Difference! Grants - 2024 Grant Opened: 16th of July 2024 Closes: 27th of August 2024 Value: Up to $10,000 Run By: Future2 Further Information: https://future2foundation.org.au/grants/future2-make-the-difference-grants/

Through the annual Make the Difference! Grants program, Future2 has committed $1.6 million in grant funding to over 150 community programs since 2007.

In 2024, Future2 seeks to support programs that help Australians build stronger financial futures. Each application will be asked to demonstrate how the program fits within one (or more) of the below categories.

All applications must be nominated by a financial services professional and should be able to demonstrate a genuine association between the cause and nominator.

Future2’s 2024 Grants Program focuses on financial wellbeing

The type of grant offered is a one-year grant of up to $10,000. Each application will be asked to demonstrate how the program fits within one (or more) of the below categories.

Applications to receive grant funding are invited for programs that focus on:

  • Financial Wellbeing for Young Australians, Financial literacy and education programs for people under 25.
  • Financial Wellbeing for Australians in Need, Financial literacy programs for Australians in need including those experiencing mental health, social isolation, domestic violence, homelessness or poverty, or for those who come from First Nations and Refugee & Migrant communities.
  • Financial Wellbeing for Women, Financial literacy programs for disadvantaged women in Australia.
  • Financial Wellbeing for those in Regional and Remote Australia, Programs that support financial literacy in regional and remote Australia.  

Future2 encourages applications from all causes, charities, not-for-profit organisations or community programs that meet the below criteria.  

Organisations are not required to be registered charities or have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status.

Priority is given to grassroots, community programs where you can see the ‘money at work.’ Organisations with significant annual revenue will not be considered for a Future2 Make the Difference! Grant (see details below).

Importantly, applications must be endorsed by a financial services professional and should be able to demonstrate a genuine association between the cause and nominator. For example, involvement with your program, or pro bono support from a financial services professional.

Last Updated: 16th of July 2024
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