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Regional Australia Microgrid Pilots Program Grant Closes: 19th of December 2025 or until expended Value: $1 Million to $5 Million Run By: Australian Government: Australian Renewable Energy Agency Further Information: https://arena.gov.au/funding/regional-australia-microgrid-pilots-ramp/

The Regional Australia Microgrid Pilots Program (the Program) aims to support pilot projects for microgrids in Regional Australia that:

  • Have demonstrated Project viability through a Feasibility Study.
  • Include the deployment of equipment and technology solutions that enable the coordinated use of distributed renewable energy technologies and the microgrid demonstration.
  • Demonstrate improved resilience and reliability of microgrids in regional areas; and
  • Demonstrate capability of resolving one or more of the remaining barriers to final investment and full deployment of microgrid solutions.

For the purposes of the Program the term microgrid is used to include the following technical configurations:

  • Embedded Microgrid: An electricity supply arrangement that coordinates and optimises the use of connected, locationally proximate distributed energy resources (DER) to provide secure and reliable electricity within the microgrid and is able to provide value to the major grid. This could include energy market participation, provision of system flexibility, systems services and deferral of network investment.
  • Standalone Power Systems (SAPS): An electricity supply arrangement that can demonstrate temporary or permanent operation when not physically connected to a major grid. SAPS encompasses supply to single and multiple customers. Where:
    • customers, currently connected to a major grid, can move to a SAPS, or
    • a SAPS is installed rather than a new grid connection.
  • Remote Isolated Microgrid: An electricity supply arrangement that already operates as an isolated SAPS and will continue to do so. These systems are often in very remote locations and managed by State Government owned corporations.
Last Updated: 6th of September 2023
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Responsible Grambling Fund - Prevention, Innovation and Technology Grants - 2023 Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Up to $200,000 Run By: NSW Office of Responsible Gambling Further Information: https://www.gambleaware.nsw.gov.au/resources-and-education/funding-to-prevent-gambling-harm/prevention-innovation--technology-grants

The Responsible Gambling Fund provides funding to support innovative projects that prevent and reduce gambling harm in communities across NSW.

The Office recognises opportunities for innovation and advancement can be led by a broad range of organisations. Support is prioritised for projects that advance the outcome areas of the Office’s Strategic Plan 2021-24 of education and awareness, leadership and influence, and services and support.

Support can be provided for one-off projects that address or enable unique opportunities to be put forward in the
areas of technology, prevention and harm minimisation. The Office encourages collaborative partnerships involving appropriate subject matter expertise to ensure that all projects are effective and strategic in their approach to preventing and reducing gambling harm.

The Office encourages proposals involving the development of preventing and reducing gambling harm. The Office is open to supporting a wide range of projects. For example, projects could include:

  • the development of consumer products like apps or online tools that:
    • help people make informed choices
    • use geographic location or other indicators to support people at risk of harm
  • projects that deliver gambling harm minimisation messaging in innovative ways—for example to a youth audience, or in the context of online sports betting.
  • development of online training content that aims to minimise harm. For example a suite of animations that explain how odds work and the chance of winning.
  • innovative application of ICT—for example the integration of existing tools and triage systems in health and welfare settings with gambling screening.
Last Updated: 31st of August 2023
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High Emitting Industries Grants Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Unspecified Run By: NSW Government Office of Energy and Climate Change Further Information: https://www.nsw.gov.au/grants-and-funding/high-emitting-industries-grants

Fifty-five industrial facilities in the manufacturing and mining sectors contribute approximately 30% of emissions in NSW. The NSW Government have committed $305 million under high emitting industries to support these sectors to significantly reduce their emissions and strengthen their resilience into the future.

This program will provide funding support for high emitting manufacturing and mining facilities in NSW that emit more than 0.09 MtCO2e per year1 to reduce their emissions beyond current projections. Funding is available to support the development and deployment of decarbonisation projects that prioritise scope 1 emissions reduction. This funding covers project feasibility through to commissioning as detailed in Figure 3. All projects must be aligned with credible  decarbonisation roadmaps and deliver emissions reduction that exceeds legislative requirements.

Two types of projects, pre-deployment and deployment, will be supported under HEI funding to accelerate adoption or to implement technically ready decarbonisation opportunities.

Pre-deployment projects
The aim of these projects is to accelerate deployment of technologies that can significantly reduce Scope 1 emissions,
aligning with Priority 2 in the NZIIP investment plan 2022–2024. Pre-deployment projects include, but are not limited to:

  • late-stage feasibility studies
  • commercial trials
  • business case development
  • front-end engineering and design.

Deployment projects
The aim of these projects is to achieve significant decarbonisation at NSW manufacturing and mining facilities. In line
with Priority 1 in the NZIIP investment plan 2022–2024, these projects are required to be technically ready and commercially proven decarbonisation opportunities. Cost-effective emissions reduction projects must align with
long-term decarbonisation pathways to be eligible to receive NSW Government capital co-funding support.

Last Updated: 31st of August 2023
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Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program: Precinct Delivery - Stream 2 Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: $5 Million to $50 Million Run By: Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=50011bdd-b69c-416a-af64-c84a60afdd69

The Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program seeks to deliver transformative investment in regional, rural and remote Australia based on the principles of unifying regional places, growing their economies and serving their communities.

The program will focus on a partnership approach, bringing together governments and communities to deliver regional precincts that are tailored to local needs and have a shared vision in how that precinct connects to the region.

This grant opportunity is part of the regional Precincts and Partnerships Program.

The Precinct Delivery grant opportunity provides funding to deliver one or more elements of a precinct. This could include enabling public infrastructure (roads, pathways, underground infrastructure), open spaces between elements, or a particular building/s that is the catalyst for, or complements, other investment within a precinct.

For Stream Two, the project is considered to be one or more elements of a precinct. This grant opportunity will provide funding for the delivery of projects, rather than entire precincts. This contrasts with Stream One, where the project is considered to be the planning and development of the whole precinct.

Partnerships are essential to the program, which has a focus on bringing together all interested parties to collaboratively plan or deliver precinct proposals. These partnerships are intended to be conglomerates of relevant entities as well as other local stakeholders, including but not limited to:

  • State and Territory government
  • Local government
  • Regional universities
  • Not-for-profit entities
  • First Nations groups
  • Regional Development Australia committees
  • Community organisations
  • Private enterprise
  • Australian government agencies that have policy/program interests or responsibilities.
Last Updated: 30th of August 2023
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Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program: Precinct Development and Planning Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: $500,000 to $5 Million Run By: Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=83c95a78-0cf0-47ba-9cbd-d3a2a54f1a61

The Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program seeks to deliver transformative investment in regional, rural and remote Australia based on the principles of unifying regional places, growing their economies and serving their communities.

The program will focus on a partnership approach, bringing together governments and communities to deliver regional precincts that are tailored to local needs and have a shared vision in how that precinct connects to the region.

This grant opportunity is part of the regional Precincts and Partnerships Program.

The Precinct Development and Planning grant opportunity provides opportunities to develop a precinct idea through to investment-ready stage. The rationale for Stream One is to recognise that financial constraints can inhibit great concepts being explored further and developed into realistic, well-designed and planned projects.

For Stream One, the project is considered to be a plan for the entire precinct, even if you are only considering future investment in one element of the precinct. This contrasts with Stream Two, where the project is one or more elements of a precinct.

The objective of the grant opportunity is to activate partnerships to jointly deliver precinct plans.

The intended outcomes of the grant opportunity are to:

  • establish partnerships comprised of relevant government entities, community organisations and businesses that have a shared vision for a regional precinct
  • deliver precinct plans that are tailored to their local contexts and based on community feedback and engagement
  • support precinct plans to become investment ready.

Partnerships are essential to the program, which has a focus on bringing together all interested parties to collaboratively plan or deliver precinct proposals. These partnerships are intended to be conglomerates of relevant entities as well as other local stakeholders, including but not limited to:

  • State and Territory government
  • Local government
  • Regional universities
  • Not-for-profit entities
  • First Nations groups
  • Regional Development Australia committees
  • Community organisations
  • Private enterprise
  • Australian government agencies that have policy/program interests or responsibilities.
Last Updated: 30th of August 2023
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Black Spot Program Grant Closes: Ongoing Run By: Australian Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts Further Information: https://investment.infrastructure.gov.au/about/local-initiatives/black-spot-program

Road crashes are a major cost to Australians every year. Black Spot projects target those road locations where crashes are occurring. By funding measures such as traffic signals and roundabouts at dangerous locations, the programme reduces the risk of crashes. Programmes of this sort are very effective, saving the community many times the cost of the relatively minor road improvements that are implemented

The Black Spot Programme makes an important contribution in reducing the national road toll under the National Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan.

The Australian Government has committed $500 million to the Black Spot Programme from 2014-15 to 2018-19, which includes an additional $200 million over two years from 2015-16 under the Infrastructure Growth Package to improve road safety across the nation.

The Government has announced changes to the programme’s eligibility criteria for 2015-16 and 2016-17 aimed at assisting local communities to compete for this additional funding over the next two years.

Under the new criteria, the minimum Benefit Cost Ratio for proposals has been reduced from 2:1 to 1:1. In addition, the minimum crash history of sites has been reduced from 3 to 2 casualty crashes over five years or 0.13 casualty crashes per kilometre per year over 5 years.

The criteria has also been amended to allow more funding for the proactive treatment of unsafe roads. Consultative Panels will able to allocate up to 40% of funding to sites on the basis of a road safety audit.

The Government has also guaranteed that at least 50 per cent of funding provided over the next two years will be dedicated to fixing roads in regional Australia.

Last Updated: 1st of June 2023
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Self-Employment Assistance Grant Closes: Ongoing Run By: Australian Government Department of Employment Further Information: https://www.dewr.gov.au/self-employment-assistance

Self-Employment Assistance can help you turn your business idea or existing small business into a viable business. The program allows you to choose the level of support that meets your needs and the needs of your small business.

Self-Employment Assistance can help you with your business idea or existing business through its flexible services including:

  • Exploring Self-Employment Workshops
  • Business Plan Development
  • Free accredited Small Business Training
  • Business Advice Sessions
  • Business Health Checks
  • Small Business Coaching.

You may also be eligible for financial support while you start and run your business as part of Small Business Coaching.


Last Updated: 27th of April 2023
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Regional Investment Attraction - Investment Concierge Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Support Run By: NSW Government Further Information: https://www.resourcesregulator.nsw.gov.au/meg.site/invest-nsw/industry-support/mining-concierge-and-investment-attraction-service

The Regional NSW Business Concierge service provides support for businesses wishing to set up or expand their operations in Regional NSW.

This service provides expert advice to corporations and companies wanting to tap into a wider pool of skilled workers and lower their operating costs by relocating to regional NSW. The specialist team includes representatives from Office of Regional Economic Development, Investment NSW, Training Services NSW and the Regional Growth Development Corporation.

The service provides the following services: 

  • Comparative analysis of multiple locations across regional NSW based on business requirements.
  • Identification of suitable available office space.
  • Assistance with business planning requirements including economic analysis and skills data.
  • Assistance to identify and develop commercial opportunities in a specific industry sector or region.
  • Coordination across key government agencies and regulatory bodies.
  • Assistance in identifying business-to-business solutions and opportunities.
  • Information on relocation requirements and introductions to support services.
  • Advice on accessing grants and other financial incentives.
Last Updated: 13th of March 2023
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Airservices Australia Enroute Charges Payment Scheme Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Based on enroute charges Further Information: https://www.grants.gov.au/Go/Show?GoUuid=706c1e7b-90df-4e26-b6e3-757c464a717f

The aim of this program is to provide regional and remote communities with access to essential air services that can in turn connect these smaller communities with the rest of Australia. The Scheme supports regional commercial airlines operating low volume and new routes to regional and remote communities; as well as aeromedical providers.

The Government's policy for aviation encourages the growth of regional aviation services across Australia and the expansion of the current network by giving impetus for operators to test whether a new route can be commercially viable in time.

To be eligible for the commercial passenger component of the program:
    The airline has a current Australian air transport (formerly Regular Public Transport (RPT) Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC) that authorises scheduled air transport operations on the route and authorises the aircraft / aircraft type for air transport services;
    Services are to be operated as scheduled air transport operations (charter services are NOT eligible);
    The route is to be to/from a Regional or Remote location, as defined by the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC);

  • The route is serviced by a single operator;
  • The route has no more than 15,000 passenger movements per annum;
  • The route does not otherwise receive a subsidy for flight costs from any level of government;
  • The proposed route is shown to have an economic and/or social impact on the community; and
  • The aircraft type used on the route has a maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of 15,000Kg or less.

Applicants flying commercial routes can obtain assistance of up to 60 per cent of the enroute charge; and up to 100 per cent for new routes for a period of up to three years

To be eligible for the aeromedical component of the program:

  • The airline can demonstrate its engagement as a contracted aeromedical provider;
  • The airline has an AOC that authorises these services;
  • The aeromedical services are conducted using aircraft listed on the airline's AOC as being for this purpose;
  • The aircraft used has a MTOW of 15,000Kg or less; AND
  • Services operated by the airline are anticipated to include services to/from a Regional or Remote location, as defined by the Australian Standard Geographical Classification (ASGC).

Please refer to the Guidelines for more details on Eligibility.

Last Updated: 12th of March 2023
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CAGES Foundation Grants Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Undisclosed Run By: CAGES Foundation Further Information: https://cagesfoundation.org/our-focus/

The program provides funding with the intention of empowering community and creating an environment where every child has the opportunity to reach their potential.

CAGES Foundation will intentionally seek to fund DGR 1 organisations with high levels of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation, influence, identity and leadership. The foundation’s principle around self-determination is best enacted through supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led organisations however they also recognise the need to build skills and capabilities in these organisations and the communities they exist in. They believe an effective way to do this is to support respectful partnerships between non-Indigenous and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations where two-way learning and capacity building at an organisational and community level is intentional.

Last Updated: 22nd of February 2023
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Start Strong Community Preschools - 2023 Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Based on enrolments Run By: NSW Government Department of Education Further Information: https://education.nsw.gov.au/early-childhood-education/operating-an-early-childhood-education-service/grants-and-funded-programs/start-strong-funding/start-strong-for-community-preschools/2023-start-strong-for-community-preschools-program-guidelines

The Start Strong for Community Preschools program provides funding to deliver affordable quality preschool education for 3 to 5 year old children enroled in eligible community and mobile preschools in NSW.

From 2023, fee relief for families announced as “Affordable Preschool” in the context of the NSW Government's Early Years Commitment will be integrated into Start Strong and provide community and mobile preschools with sustainable long-term funding to deliver at least 600 hours of low, or no cost preschool to eligible children.

Start Strong for Community Preschools funding is provided for children in the two years before school and supports enrolment of at least 600 hours per year or 15 hours per week. Evidence shows that this level of participation in a quality early childhood education program in the two years before school is associated with better outcomes for children.

Start Strong, including the now integrated Affordable Preschool initiative, promotes universal access and priority of access by providing:

  • higher program funding rates for preschools which operate within the lower range of Socio-Economic Index for Areas (SEIFA) score of relative socio-economic disadvantage
  • additional funding for children aged 3 years and above from low income families, children with an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background, and children with disability or additional needs
  • loadings for preschools that operate in outer regional, remote and very remote areas
  • further loadings and subsidies as outlined in Section 3.2
  • up to $4,220 per year in fee relief for 3 to 5 year old children in community and mobile preschools.

The Program Payment and Fee Relief Payment are both calculated based on the data entered in the Annual Preschool Census, including the number and hours of enrolment, and the number and characteristics of children enroled.

Last Updated: 12th of February 2023
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Indigenous Apprenticeships Program Program Closes: Ongoing Run By: Services Australia Further Information: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/indigenous-apprenticeships-program?context=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAuaKfBhBtEiwAht6H7wJdY1hqGJxod6kNzj8XC3a9N9dmx_-D0XpU8QwV--K7FkusC8JvRRoCi7gQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

The Indigenous Apprenticeships Program (IAP) plays a pivotal role in increasing Indigenous employment opportunities across the APS. Since 2015, the IAP has given over 1,800 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people opportunities to join the APS. These are people with diverse backgrounds, including people leaving school, finishing study or looking for a new career. ’s a great way for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to make a difference in the lives of Australians.
The 12-month program offers:
    a permanent, full-time, entry-level job in government
    job security with a competitive salary
    opportunities to progress your career, including a nationally recognised certificate or diploma qualification.

It also offers a range of roles across a number of departments and agencies. You could work in:
    policy and program development
    service delivery
    human resources
    information technology.

When you apply, they will ask you which department or agency you’re interested in and they will consider your application for all participating departments and agencies.

They will also ask where in Australia you’d like to work. You can apply for a role in one or more locations. If you’re successful, they will take your preferences into account when we offer you a job. They may offer you a job at more than one department or agency, you can then select the one that is best for you.

Last Updated: 12th of February 2023
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First Home Owner (New Homes) Grant Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Up to $10,000 Run By: NSW Government Department of Revenue Further Information: https://www.revenue.nsw.gov.au/grants-schemes/first-home-buyer/new-homes

A $10,000 First Home Owner Grant (FHOG) is available when you buy or build your first new home.

Your first new home can be a house, townhouse, apartment, unit or similar that is newly built, purchased off the plan or substantially renovated.

Last Updated: 29th of January 2023
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Regional Event Fund - Event Development Stream Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Up to $50,000 Run By: Destination NSW Further Information: https://www.destinationnsw.com.au/tourism/business-development-resources/funding-and-grants/regional-event

Grants are available to eligible events that have previously received triennial funding through the Flagship Event stream to support initiatives that have a direct impact on increasing overnight visitation to the event.

The Event Development stream supports the strategic growth of proven events that demonstrate a clear rationale for the continued development of its tourism potential.

Applications for the 2023-24 Event Development stream are now open and will remain open until available funds are exhausted. Applications to the Event Development stream must be received by Destination NSW in sufficient time prior to the next event to allow for assessment and delivery of the initiative for which funding has been requested.

Last Updated: 29th of January 2023
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Tertiary Access Payment Grant Closes: Ongoing Value: Up to $5,000 Run By: Services Australia Further Information: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/tertiary-access-payment

The Tertiary Access Payment (TAP) is a one off payment of up to $5,000. It’s to help eligible students with the cost of moving to study. This is for study after you’ve finished year 12 or equivalent.

To get the payment you need to meet some rules. These include:

  • moving from a regional or remote area for tertiary study
  • starting tertiary study in the year after finishing year 12 or equivalent.

You can claim this payment in your first year of tertiary study only.

To get this payment you must also be all of the following:

  • an Australian resident meeting residence rules
  • from an inner regional, outer regional, remote or very remote area
  • moving to study at a tertiary education provider that’s at least 90 minutes away from your family home by public transport
  • have completed year 12 or equivalent
  • studying a tertiary course at certificate IV or above in the year after year 12 with no gap year
  • 22 or younger on the day you start your tertiary course
  • have parents or guardians whose income is under the current combined parental income limit of $250,000.

You must also meet all of the study rules. You meet the rules for qualifying study if you do both of the following:

  • study a certificate IV or above at an accredited Australian tertiary education provider
  • study at least 75% of a full-time study load
  • study a course with a minimum duration of one academic year.
Last Updated: 25th of January 2023
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