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Major Research Grant - Round 2024

ClosedGrant Closed: 2nd of August 2024 Value: Up to $200,000 Run By: Lowitja Institute Further Information: https://www.lowitja.org.au/research/funding-opportunities/major-grants-program/

Lowitja Institute provides Major Research Grants to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled organisations. The grant period is two years and the maximum amount available per project is $200,000.

As part of their commitment to Knowledge Translation, an additional $20,000 grant is offered to all recipients of Lowitja Institute’s Major Research Grant within 12 months of the commencement date, to support organisations to deliver on their vision and aspirations in relation to research impact. This grant assists in getting the right message to the right audience, to achieve impact for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

This grant opportunity specifically supports innovative and responsive community research led by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled organisations to improve the health and wellbeing of our mobs.

The Major Research Grants provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and organisations to transform their ideas into reality.

Who can apply:

The Major Research Grants are for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled organisations only.

Organisations are not expected to have research experience for the Major Research Grants. Those without existing relationships with researchers or internal research expertise can contact us regarding how we might assist in pairing them with a suitable researcher.

Last Updated: 17th of June 2024
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